Insights into Media and Press: a review dedicated to select topics in media and journalism.


Wired Italy dedicated an article to the personal path of Stefano Massaro. Years spent pursuing medicine and technology to create true Longevity programs, before this term became trendy. The memory album goes back to the days of MedicalLifeCoaching, in 2013, when the small DeltaMedica launched the first health project that combined an individual’s test data with those collected by the very first wearable devices. It meant moving from a ‘single data point’ to a ‘constant data flow.’ Today, at Cerba, he has created a large-scale Longevity program that can truly make a difference for many people.

Stefano Massaro at TGCOM

TGCOM 24 Mediaset

Stefano Massaro in a live TV broadcast roundtable with Marcello Gemmato (Undersecretary at the Ministry of Health), Francesco Galli (President of Strategy and Operations at San Donato Group), and Luigi Poli (CEO of Amel Medical Division).

Anchoring healthcare spending to GDP would mean escaping the mechanism of “electoral handouts” to focus resources on what is really needed but that citizens only perceive when they are sick.


While the world questions the use of artificial intelligence, Cerba Healthcare gives us a hint starting from Italy.

The little VoilĂ , born from the imagination of Stefano Massaro now comes to life and assists the patient in the selection and booking of services, simply through WhatsApp.


How this company is digitalizing the diagnostics and clinical analysis sector.


Building the new health ecosystem.


Innovation in biological samples transportation: Cerba HealthCare successfully performed the first flight with drone in France and Italy.

Quotidiano Nazionale

Hit by jackals, but now we offer free lab exams..

Politicamente Corretto

Health and work: huge professional opportunities from the combination of medicine and technology.

SanitĂ  Digitale

Health-tech: experts wanted.


Sports Medicine: Lombardia Region stuck on incorrect accounts – Sporting activities of thousands of youngsters, including those with disabilities, halted.

Ticino Notizie

Sports Medicine. Stefano Massaro, CEO of Cerba HealthCare Italy, Appeals to Letizia Moratti and Attilio Fontana.

La Martesana

Sports Medicine – Lombardia Region stumbles over miscalculated budgets, funding shortfall leads to suspension of sports activities for thousands of youth, including disabled individuals.

Ticino Notizie

The unconventional (and RIGHT) decisions of Cerba HealthCare: over a Million Euros to employees, not managers.

Politicamente corretto

Healthcare and politics: ‘Fanciful speculations to influence elections: private sector faces waiting lists due to Regions not allocating sufficient funds to facilities.

Quotidiano sociale

Massaro (Cerba HealthCare): enough with targeting private Healthcare, there’s a statist wave that won’t bring any Good.

Il Giorno

Private facilities do not cut conventional services.

Romagna notizie

Private facilities do not cut conventional services.